#52 | Why Women Love a Masculine Container?

About This Episode

What is a masculine container? Why does it matter? Why do women want to be in one?

I’m in a salsa container, for dancing, not for eating :) and it’s one of the best things in my life. It’s not a class, it’s not a one-off, it’s an experience that has helped me further uncover what it is that women are craving from men in their lives and how men can provide it.

 I get into detail about what makes this container so effective and how this salsa metaphor translates directly to intimate relationships between men and women.

 Expect to learn what the masculine container’s job is and why it works so well to earn respect and trust from the feminine (and what happens when it breaks).

 Question for you: Where in your life are you needing to set up a masculine container or get yourself into one? 


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#53 | What Bonds Men and Women Together?


#51 | What’s Beneath the Words w/ Renee Dick